Need more sleep!
Wow, what a busy weekend I just had. I had a lot of fun, but it was crazy, for me anyway. I spent most of Saturday with my Sis-in-Law shopping for my bridesmaid dress for her wedding, and various other accessories. We also registered at a department store. It's been over six years since I got to register for my wedding so it was kind of fun going around and zapping things. Got some great ideas for their wedding gift. I also showed her the prototype for the bracelet to go with the bridesmaid dresses. I'm also going to make her one in white. She liked one option more than the other. Here's the one she chose.
What do you think? I like the color she has chosen for her wedding. Very rich, and flattering on many different skin tones.
I also got a visit from one of my best friends, and my kids' godmother this weekend. She is also getting married this year. I'm going to be making bracelets for her wedding as well! Very exciting. We went to a bead shop on Sunday and picked out the beads for hers. Her color is pink. The bracelets should be very pretty when complete.
On the knitting front, I started knitting the Hello Kitty handbag from the Hello Kitty along. Instead of doing it in pink, I'm using some leftover lavendar from something I've made before. It's my first try at intarsia, but I'm liking the results. Also, the new MagKnits, is out and has some cute designs, especially Coldshoulder by Stephanie Japel. I like a lot of her designs and plan to make Bad Penny this spring. I may have to add that sweater as well.