Hanging in
We're hanging in here at Chez Craftylilly. Ashe, the family, and I really appreciate all the well wishes and healthy kitty vibes. Ashe came home yesterday after being hospitalized for three days. He has a kidney infection on top of his already failing kidneys, so things weren't, aren't, good. He's very happy to be home, and the other cats are happy to have him back. Basically we are hoping to manage his kidney disease to keep him comfortable through diet and hydration through something called subcutaneous hydration. Our vet told us that his next crisis will be his last, so we're just hoping to have at least another 6 months with him. His sister, Wiji, also has kidney disease, so we're managing her diet too. I'm hoping that she won't have a crisis, but will just gradually have less and less kidney function so that when her crisis happens, it'll be her only and her last. We're very sad about this, but at least we get to have some time with them, and they'll be comfortable as we now know how to best handle their disease.
There's been some other things going on here too. Nothing as dire as our cat's health, but still stressful as decisions are being made as SWB's speech therapy and schooling next year, as well as schooling decisions for PQL. All in all it makes for a lot. Add in the fact that May and June are the absolute worst months for our family in terms of birthdays, anniversaries, and other family celebrations. We'll make it through though. One day at a time, right?
In postive f
iber news, I dyed up my dye-o-rama swap pal's yarn. I used Knitpicks color your own and Wilton's Cake dyes in brown, burgundy, and teal. I like how it turned out. The colors of the yarn are fairly true in the picture. I'll be working on my PS Yarn swap yarn next week. I've got two different green Kool-Aid flavors, and an interesting green food coloring I'm planning on playing with. I'm also working on the front neck sections of Rogue. I'm hoping to have this done by the end of the month. I'm also working on the Simply Lovely Lace Socks from IK. I have other projects I'd like to work on, but with our current family circumstances, I'm keeping it simple.
I've been reading everyone's blogs, but not commenting much. I am reading though! I hope to get back to all of your who've left comments or sent me such supportive emails. Hug and kiss your pets and your families!

the yarn is beautiful! Looks like something that you would get from Lorna's Laces.
Take care and good luck with everything.
Oh man, I was hoping for better news than that, but at least you get to cherish them both for the time they have with you.
That yarn you dyed looks yummy! Nice juxtaposition of colors.
So you will be giving sub-q fluids at home? (I used to be a vet tech.) It is easy to do and really can make a huge difference - like night and day sometimes. So don't be afraid to do it if you have to. It sounds like you are on the right track for the kitties.
We're dealing with the same schooling woes over here. It's been a tough haul - but almost over. I think it's all worth it in the end.
Pretty yarn! :)
Your yarn is beautiful!
I am sending good kitty vibes your way.
More *hugs*. *sniff* - Ashe, get better, you're worrying your mom!!
Your yarn is lovely.... Hopefully the stuff I dye this afternoon turns out half as well....
What a lucky cat Ashe is, to have such a loving mommy - and the support of all of his virtual friends!
Beautiful yarn, just beautiful -
Hugs indeed (and a good petting for the furbabies)
Love how your yarn turned out. It looks sweet. It reminds me of all my favorite childhood candies or something.
Still sending healthy kitty vibes your way...
I'm sure Ashe is happy to be home. My thoughts are with you and your family. Your yarn is so pretty! Keep hanging in there, and take good care.
Take care, stay strong, Jennifer. I'll be thinking of you and sending good vibres your way.
I'm sorry to hear the news. Sending well wishes your way.
Gorgeous dye job.
Love the dye job! Oh and it's the outlet catalog, I think campaign 9 on the Avon dpn holder.
pretty yarn!
Hello! I am your dyeorama buddy. I love the yarn you dyed. We (my daughter and I) just tried Wilton Cake dyes this last weekend. It works better than I thought. The colors are vibrant and bright.
If there are any colors you don't like or some that are your favorite, just let me know via your blog. Sorry to hear about your kitty, sending you best wishes--your dyeorama buddy.
Poor kitties! That subcutaneous hydration is not painful for the kitty, he just needs to get used to it. It is a pain, the best thing to do is find a spot in your house where you can leave all your iv supplies permanently, so you don't need to set them up each time. I hope he adjusts well.
Hugs and thoughts to Ashe - the yarn is absolutely divine too.....
I love the look of these colors. I have done some dying with kool-aid and Rit dye, but never with the Wilton's dyes. Could you give me some hints? Thanks, and happy knitting, dying, etc.!
Leslie @heyillini@gmail.com
Your yarned looks so pretty! I just bought one jar of Wilton's dye in a blue color but it turned to a fushia pink. Could you tell me the proper way to dye with Wilton's on the stove method? Thanks!!1
Beautiful yarn, and I'm glad to read that Ashe is home again. :-)
:o( I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved kitties - best of wishes coming your way from all of us here, tailed family members included!
Wow! I love the color of the yarn...it looks like candy. Almost good enough to lick.
That's some pretty yarn you've got there!
Here's some healthy kitty vibes going your way..
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