Friday, April 21, 2006

Bounty of Riches

My mail contained a bounty of riches yesterday. I just have to share. I received the last Felted SP package and learned who my spoilee is! It's Illanna from Knit Powers to Peace! She has been a fantastic pal sending me malabrigo and big Kureyon, but this last package, wow... She sent me the book One Skein, which I've been eyeing for a while and organized the rest of the package around the theme. Each ball of yarn is labeled with a pattern that I could make out of the book. Isn't that clever? She also included some sock yarn, and an adorable knit cupcake that she made for me using a pattern from the book. Thanks so much Illanna! You are the best! I also received an unexpected package from Kim. I designed a few blog buttons for her and she sent me a thank you gift of a summer knitting bag, yarn for a summer tank or bag, a bookmark, notepad, magnet, eye mask, chocolate, and a couple of cute toys for my children. Thanks Kim! You are too kind! I also got a chance (compelled) to make up the other beading kit that Jill sent me. Here is a Chinese Lantern charm made from swarovski crystal beads. Pretty, huh? I ended up not using the head and eye pins included in the kit, and went with my own wirework on the dangle. I am going to make a million of these things. I can feel the mania setting in. It's been so much fun to do some beadwork again, specifically a bead weaving project. I do like basic stringing projects, but there's just something about holding a beading needle and thread (or in this case fishing line) and working small beads into something beautiful. It felt comfortable and right. It felt a little like coming home. I feel the same way about knitting, actually. The feeling of knitting needles and yarn flowing through my fingers is very relaxing and comforting. So is the feeling of beading needles, and the beads. I think I need to bead more. Which brings me to a question. Most of you who read this blog love to knit. What other activities and hobbies feel like home to you? What is it about these activities that feels so right and comfortable?


Blogger MiniLaura said...

I like to read and bake. Reading is always comforting because I can sit under a blanket with a cat on my lap and be taken away to a different time and place. Baking is fun because it's like being in a chemistry lab all over again. And the results are delicious!

4/21/2006 09:03:00 AM  
Blogger Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

That is great idea to theme the package around a book- especially that one~ too fun.
Besides knitting I am an avid photographer, dabble in stained glass, I bead occasionally and have tried my hand at water color (although I really love it, I am not too good at it yet).
I am also a total nut for yoga- not necissarily crafty, but occupies much of my free time.
Great question~

4/21/2006 09:10:00 AM  
Blogger Christie said...

I love that little bead! Make a million and sell some! ;D

I think that knitting is the only hobby in which I've really excelled. I've been known to sew, but always seem to have trouble seeing the fabric as the finished pattern. I've also been known to make jewelry, but it never seems to come out well. There's only two necklaces that I've made that I like...compared to the 5 or 6 that my sister made me that I love. I should take pictures of all of them...I love to bake [hate to cook], but I hate my kitchen and I really should pick up painting and drawing again...hmmm...then there's acting...

4/21/2006 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Love the beadwork. I have done lots of tapestry style beadweaving but never could figure out things like peyote stitch etc.

My other biggest hobby (aside from reading which I don't consider a hobby because it is more like eating or breathing to me) is probably needlework. I used to stitch a whole lot but that was Pre-K(ids). The lifestyle of small children doesn't lend tself to small sharp needles and hundreds of tiny detailed stitches. So that's why I took up knitting. But once I get my craft room all set I plan to have an ongoing stitching project set up in there.

4/21/2006 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What great packages! I've yet to look at the book one skein, but it interests me. Hopefully my LYS will have it at some point.

Other hobbies, hmm, spinning. Because it goes hand in hand with knitting. And that's about it. I use to have several hobbies, but I wasn't any good at any of them, then I found knitting.

4/21/2006 09:37:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I also crochet, read obsessively, and write. I used to quilt, bead, a draw/paint, and I probably will again at some point. I am juts motivated make things, no matter what medium.

4/21/2006 09:53:00 AM  
Blogger Jillio said...

wow, what great packages! you are one lucky girl...look at all that! how cool!
and i love what you did with the chinese lantern pattern! the wire swirly on the bottom is a cute touch. i love it! i think using different beads will be a fantastic idea--and hey! they take less time than knitted items so you can make bunches for christmas :)
yeah, i figured the two patterns would be similar. but it's just like if you have different sock patterns; the construction is all the same, but knowing where to make pattern adjustments make each one special.
i've been through a lot of hobbies: cross stitch, latch hooking, ceramics, stained glass, drawing, painting, a little bit of sewing, playing instruments, reading, crochet, beading...seems like i found my home in knitting and spinning. i also love beading because of all the colors and possibilities. i think like knitting because it's more productive than reading (and because i can listen to recorded books, so i can do both at once), and spinning because i'm a very tactile-oriented. also, the math involved in knitting is so appealing; i minored in math and majored in physics. i feel like i'm actually using my degree! hahaha...!

4/21/2006 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a wonderful bounty it is... I love the beaded lantern piece you did, it's quite beautiful...

As to other things I work with other than sticks and string... I do beadwork, I have been doing that off and on since I can remember, even had my own jewelery design biz for awhile, but sold it cuz it ended up feeling too much like "work" and it was, so I just make things for myself and friends and family. I also do a lot of collage work, I paint, I design gardens, I work as a graphic designer (and love that as a job) and I write music and sing in a band... Okay, an excessively long list... there is not much about my life that is not craft/art or music related, except maybe cleaning the kitchen, which I avoid as long as I can.
Great question...

4/21/2006 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger amylovie said...

I love to cook and read. Cooking is another creative outlet for me, and I love the feeling of taking care of my family that it brings.

Reading allows me to get into the "zone". I can block out everything when I read.


4/21/2006 01:48:00 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

What a great question. I wish I had time to spend on more crafts. I really love knitting, baking (as Laura said), spinning. I would love to spend some time on drawing and painting. Oh, and weaving- I'd love to try that. There's so much to learn!

Love the Chinese Lantern charm. It's beautiful!

4/21/2006 02:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really getting into weaving since I got my little knitters loom - easy to warp up - and quick but so effective....very meditative. And of course spinning - I find when I have had enough knitting I always so back to spinning - it calms me right down......

4/21/2006 03:40:00 PM  
Blogger Tara said...

I love reading,writing, baking and when I have the day to devote to it (cause I make it messy)-scrapbooking.

4/21/2006 04:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great package from your SP. I can't wait to hear what you think of the One Skein book. I haven't seen the inside yet.

The question you asked is a really great one because most crafters are multi-dimensional and sometimes I am surprised that I don't see other types of creations on knitting blogs.

I also weave (primitively on a Northern Eastern Woodland Loom i.e two sticks stuck in the ground),sew (small things by hand), crochet, embroider, take pictures, and read. Before crafts and kids I used to spend all my free time riding horses :-)

4/21/2006 05:18:00 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

That's lovely! And what great mail you got!! :)

There isn't any other craft that feels like coming home. Other activities that do are reading (oh, bliss, to read and knit) and biking (probably best not to combine reading or knitting with this one).

4/21/2006 07:00:00 PM  
Blogger Carrie K said...

Nice packages! I've been eyeing One Skein lately.

I hope that was the end of the "one thing leads to another" houseshold problems. The good thing is, if you didn't find any flood related damage, it's probably not there because this has been one WET winter/spring.

I'm with Stephanie - reading is too much like breathing to be considered separately, but other crafts? I like to sew. It's fun to cut out and assemble and personalize. I cross stitch too, but more for the end product than the process (which is slow, annoying, tedious, and reminds me that I'll probably be completely blind when I'm old(er)).

4/21/2006 07:02:00 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Love the charm!

Other hobbies: I used to cross stitch, but knitting has overtaken that.'s a comfort thing. Jigsaw's a reminder of the time I spent upstate with my great grandmother as a kid. Crossword puzzles...again, time upstate.

4/21/2006 07:10:00 PM  
Blogger Jenni said...

I am so coveting your packages of yarn stuff!

I am a hobby junky!

I also bead and do wire-wrapping. I like sewing, photograhpy, and fly-fishing!

4/21/2006 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to make candles, and I have also tried beadwork. Right now I'm teaching myself to spin, and I'm also giving ceramics a try.

4/22/2006 06:36:00 PM  
Blogger amandazen said...

What a neat haul. I have heard that the one skein book is good, cannot wait to see what you make.

Amanda :)

4/23/2006 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantasic packages! Lucky girl! :) I've always been into creating. I really like making things, whether it be baking, sewing, cross-stitch, jewelry making, and designing greeting cards...and OF COURSE, knitting!!

4/24/2006 07:43:00 AM  

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