Valentine's day colors are so wonderful. I just love red and pink. You can throw my favorite color of purple in there to. I love all the hearts, roses, chocolate, and mushy sentiments. I've always liked it. I see it as more than a romantic love holiday. It's a day to celebrate the love you have for anyone you may care about. That's why I was so touched to receive a Valentine's card from my son that he made for RM and I at one of his schools. Look at his little hand prints. Love it!
This is just a short post to wish you all a happy Valentine's day with the people you care about. I also want to thank everyone for the kind words about my Cranberry Twist. Those of you going to Stitches West this weekend may see it in the fiber! Which, by the way, if anyone wants to meet up at Stitches, send me an email, or leave a comment! My one year blogiversary is this Saturday, prime Stitches Day, so I will making a special post on Friday with the details on a contest in celebration of this humble blog's birthday.
Happy Valentine's Day to you! I [secretly] love wearing pink and red on Valentine's too. So festive!
Happy Valentines day to you too!
love that card, so sweet!
the shoes I am wearing in my post are "Earth" brand... they have a negative heel for good posture and are SOO comfy.
probably my favorites- although I am "extra short" when I have them on, hee hee.
That's totally adorable. I really treasure those little things my kids make me. :)
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! That card from your son is just the sweetest. Things like that get me all teary eyed! And I'm so excited for you about Stitches!! I would love to attend someday. If I were going, I don't think I'd be able to sleep for days beforehand from all the excitement! Happy early Blogiversary to you! Take care! :-)
Happy belated V day.
I just LOVE and treasure all those valentines and other goodies my kiddos make while in school! Too cute!
Saturday is my blogiversary, too!
Happy V-day!
i like the post with card, very cute hands! i love valentines day :)
Very pretty! Happy belated valentine.
That's so adorable. Now that's what I call a Valentine's Day card.
Happy Blogaversary! I think I might miss Stitches West this year. The plague still hasn't gone completely away yet and I'm not signed up for a class. Take lots of pictures though! The marketplace alone is so much fun.
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