Unfortunate names
I'm sure you've all had experiences where you've seen a billboard, or a store name, or a person's name and thought to yourself, "Why would someone want to do this to their (store, child, business). I had one of these experiences today, my friends. There's some construction going on next to my local Costco, and my eye was caught by the signage in front of the site. The sign publicizes the name of the construction company working on the site. Now, this company is named after a person, the owner of the construction company, I'm sure. What is this person's last name? Manlove. I'll let it sit with you a minute. Now, if that was my last name, I think I'd change it. When I saw this unfortunate surname, I was reminded of the name of a TV and stereo repair shop that was on a main street of Vallejo, when I lived there. This store was also named after it's owner, a Mr. Harry Butts. I mean, really. Or how about this one, Polly Esther Sheets. Not cool, not cool.
I finished up the Hermione Mittens for my mitten swap pal, and will be sending them along in a couple of days after then finish blocking. I'm quite proud of them! I think I finally mastered the bobble. Now, I kno
w that bobbles aren't to terribly difficult for most people, but they always seem a bit fiddly to me. I usually avoid them for that reason, but they really add to the mitten, so I had to add them. I love this pattern and will be making many more. The Hermione mittens I received from my pal, is making giving away these mittens a little easier. I hope my pal likes them!
Project specs:
Pattern: Hermione Mittens from Atypically Knit
Yarn: Cascade 220 in a kind of teal/turquiose heather (still can't find the ball band. Rats!)
Time: These mittens took about 2 weeks to complete. That's really quick for life at Chez Craftylilly.
What I learned: I think I've got a handle on bobbles, and now thumb gussets don't scare me!
Now, before I post my last pic for you today, I should touch upon the reference to Annie's post and my trepidation to post the lovely mittens that Karen knit me for the mitten swap. After reading Annie's post (scroll down and hit the link in my previous post if you're interested), I began to worry about how people were perceiving me posting the gifts and swaps I've received from various secret pal exchanges and swaps I've been involved in. I sat and pondered whether or not the posting of these gifts/swaps are in bad taste, and might make someone feel excluded from the knitblog community. After some discussions with my family, friends, and other concerned knitbloggers, I've decided that writing about these swaps and exchanges are, for me, not in bad taste. I feel that an appropriate thank you sometimes includes a more public thank-you on my blog. After all, these swaps and exchanges are organized and executed online. Plus all the swaps and exchanges I've been involved with are open to everyone, and are not exclusionary. I hope that if you are a reader of my blog, whether new or have been reading for a while, that you experience my posts in the spirit with which they are written, a little humor, some exasperation with the trials and tribulations of life, a whole lot of enthusiasm about knitting and beading, and a sharing of the experience of knitting and life. SO, in that spirit, I want to share with you what Stephanie sent me as part of the Romance Book Swap for Knit the Classics. She has spoiled me with two fantastic romance reads, Age of Innocence by Wharton, and Anna Karenina. She also is feeding my sock obsession with Koigu, and Over the Rainbow sock yarn(Woohoo! Have been wanting to try this ou
t for some time!). There's some recycled silk in there too, and a few other goodies. One of the awesome parts about Knit the Classics, other than the great discussions, great reads, and fun knitting related contests, and knitting projects, are the book swaps. I encourage any of you who love to read and to knit, join us over at Knit the Classics.
Well, I think I've blabbed enough for the day. Have a good week everyone!
(Edited to add: I don't think Annie's post is meant to criticize all knitblogs, nor that her commenters are picking on everyone. Her post just brought this idea to the forefront for me and caused me to think more about what I blog and why I blog.)

Manlove = Brilliant last name.
Brilliant, I tell you, brilliant.
I met a Johnnie Walker once.
Anyway, I have been know to skip over posts about secret pal gifts, but I'm sure the giver appreciates the receipient's public thank you.
I'll have to check out the original post. I think the public thank you is one of the reasons for the Secret Pal (in all of its versions) programs and I personally prefer a picture to the descriptions you sometimes get at the Knitty Coffeeshop. Also, pictures are a big part of blogging. Are we supposed to not post pictures of the yarn we bought either? I do enjoy reading about other people's gifts, even if I may be jealous about what they got. It can also be enlightening about other yarns and notions that are out there. For example, what is that gorgeous pink yarn in the front of your package? It doesn't look like the Socks that Rock I've seen ...
I have an uncle named Harry Peach.
I like to see what people receive from exchanges. That's my two cents worth.
It's probably my terrible handwriting but the pink and red sock yarn is from OTR (Over the rainbow yarns) not STR (Socks that Rock). Sorry! It's superwash & I think it was called Hearts and Valentines or something like that. I thought it was a good color for a Valentines Swap. :)
Strange names - My jazz teacher was called Mr. Mann. There was a guy I knew in grade school called Michael Hunt. The substitute teachers always thought someone was pulling there leg when they read that name on roll call. I never could figure out why that was so funny - well not until ALOT later! I also knew a guy called Noel Snodgrass and one called Matt Pimple. In fact I knew the whole Pimple family. :)
Now I am curious about your Woman on the Egde of Time project & how the sari yarn works into it!
ok, if my last name was manlove I would so keep it. I love it!
I'd keep it too, yahaira.
Harry Peach? Maybe not.
Oh, I love seeing all the knitted stuff and the presents and Secret Pal stuff!
I don't know - did anyone take offence? I don't think so - well - I didn't - it made me think - as you know - and post about the questions it raised. I'm all for your blog - as you know, I think we think similarly - a knitting blog - injected with a little humor and what is going on in my life. As you said - you check out the blog and if you don't like it you don't read it/go back. I think that is the beauty of so many diverse blogs in Blogland. I love the freedom of choice!
Your mittens turned out beautifully!! And I think that you and Laura are in some kind of conspiracy to ensure that nobody ever finds that gorgeous shade of Cascade teal again. ;-) Just kidding! I loved the Manlove and Harry Butts stories. Too funny! There are some pretty funny surnames out there and some parents with pretty twisted senses of humor when naming their children! ;-) Take care! :-)
I had a great laugh with these last names you mentioned - gosh, Manlove and Butts - and imagining people actually naming their shops like that :)
Great work you did with the mittens, they turned out so beautiful! Best wishes from Austria!
love the mittens!
i just looked at the original post and wanted to weigh in. i've never done secret pals or gift exchanges, but i've never felt left out when i see someone else's haul. it introduces me to new patterns, techniques and links to other blogs, plus i think it's nice to publicly thank someone. can't anyone join secret pal? and if so, how is it exclusionary? just my thoughts.
Manlove - hee hee! Reminds me of all those phone calls Bart makes on the Simpsons - Seymour Butts, Al Kaholic, Amanda Hugginkiss...
As for posting about gifts you receive, I personally think it's a little rude not to. Part of the thank you to the sender is a public acknowledgement and shout-out. So post away! I love seeing what other people send - it's how I get many of my ideas of what I want for myself or to give as gifties!!!
i think the world is full unfortunate names :) i think a lot of people do it on purpose :) love the goodies.... Harry butts would be the owner of HEB grocery stores right?
The mittens are fabulous! I especially love them in a color other than red. I mean, I love red, but what a refreshing change! Wouldn't green be neat? Or yellow? Or purple...I better stop while I'm ahead.
Your mittens are awesome! I'm taking one class at stitches- an all day class on purse lining. I prefer to teach myself things in knitting, and I don't seem to do well in classes. I figured purse lining could be interesting, and it's something that I am generally afraid of. Plus, it's being taught by Lorna Miser (Lorna's Laces). We should talk more about it when it gets closer. I'm so psyched.
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