I want to thank everyone that made it through my last post and left such kind and encouraging comments. I'm feeling much better now that I've made my peace with the inner joining demon. After writing that post, I actually have felt pretty good about my knitting and have been making steady progress on all my projects, mitten notwithstanding as I will cast on for it tomorrow. I'm close to working on the heel of my first Jaywalker, will be finishing up the right side of Twist tonight, and am about 2/3 of the way done with Ruffles. I'm doing well, I think. As far as the mitten is concerned, I've picked out a lovely blue-green color of Cascade 220 to knit them with. I'm excited to get started as I bought a pattern specifically with my mitten pal in mind. I don't think she reads the blog, so I'll share the pattern. I'm going to be knitting the Hermione mittens for her.
Pioggia tagged me with a meme, so I thought I'd share my 5 strange and unique habits with all of you, although I think I revealed a lot of neurosis with my last post. Don't want to scare any of you, after all. ;)
1) I always end up reading the last chapter of a book well before I've gotten to it. I just have to know how it ends, or it proves too anxiety producing for me.
2) I love to do laundry. I could do laundry everyday for the rest of my life. It doesn't bother me that laundry is neverending. I just love the process, the smell of clean clothes, and the satisfaction I get from folding them and putting them away.
3) I oftentimes will trust that my subconscious mind will work out a problem or a project idea. I will tell myself that I'm going to set aside worrying about the issue and will go on with my week. I often find that within a week, a solution will make itself known upon waking up or as I'm working on a mindless chore.
4) I have to sleep on the right side of the bed, or it feels really wrong and I have trouble sleeping.
5) I learn best when I have music or something going on in the background like white noise. For so

me reason information just sticks with me longer if it is paired with music or some sound.
I've also had a discussion with my little guy as to what he'd like to be referred to on this blog. He's decided that he like the alias "Star Wars Boy" which considering the post I did a couple of days ago, fits perfectly. So Star Wars Boy is it, SWB for short. Now, I just need to figure out a name for little girl.
#1 - You are terribly naughty and will go to literary hell for peeking! ;)
#2 - Also a sign of encroaching insanity. But I'm glad it makes you happy.
#3 - You have the right idea there. I think I will try it.
#4 - Well of course! If I don't sleep on the right side of the bed & with the sheets folded just so then terrible things will happen in the universe.
#5 - White noise helps you focus - everyone knows that! ;) I do this too.
I think I would have trouble stopping at only 5 with that meme. :)
I need to get some aliases for my kids too....
why not just call her "Princess"? haha, i don't know...i just saw the chair.
man, you've got lots going on! don't worry, you're not the only knitting WIP polygamist...trust me! the cascade 220 is really pretty; great color choice!
you could do laundry every day for the rest of your life? i just hate the putting them away part.
Did you say you wanted to come over and do our laundry? We have one of those high efficiency washers and dryers ...
I'm not a scarf person but I'm very tempted by the Ruffles, which is weird. Yours looks great!
I wish I had your laundry inclinations! I love clean clothes, but I hate the process of getting them to that state. ;-) I like your subconscious problem-solving method...very zen and serene. And we have that same chair! Well, minus Cinderella, but we have one Elmo and one Zoe chair in the same style. SWB sounds like a great alias...and I like Jill's idea about the Princess alias, too. Take care! :-)
i am sooooo sorry that you were stressed about your knitting... glad your feeling better... we read a lot of the same blogs, so i thought i would stop by and say hi :)
thanks for the comment on my spinning! it's taken me forever to make a small skein like the one resting below the spindle in the picture, but mostly it's because i'm trying really hard to get the predrafting even. i'm not sure i'm doing the whole spinning thing correctly, and i'm sure i have too much yarn on the spindle already...and everything's overtwisted. but hey, i'm having a great time and that's all that matters, huh?! wheee!!!
eventually, i'll get comfortable enough to make singles but for now it's looking mostly like dk - chunky weight...argh!
so is it the thickness of the drafted fiber that dictates the weight of the yarn? because i'm so afraid that the roving's going to break off if i make it too thin...ah, just more to learn, i guess.
just keep spinning, just keep spinning (gotta love dory in finding nemo!)
That's why books were invented - so we could read the end. I can't take suspense myself. And who doesn't love laundry?
I'm glad to hear you managed a truce w/your knitting demons. It's the process, right?
Hi! I hope you post your mittens for the swap -- I changed my mind about the yarn for my Backyard Leaves and am doing it in Cascade 220 now. In blue-green! It is a beautiful color, I wonder if it's the same as yours? :)
I'm a right-side sleeper, too! I can NOT go to sleep if I'm on the wrong side. Not that the boy lets me sleep these days anyway...
Aack! I totally don't remember what I clicked on that part! With my luck, I'd have clicked on the "not a beginner" group and end up with someone who wants size 13 cashmere blend Norwegian knee socks in bright yellow and black! Arrrrrgh!!!!
I know about the over commitment disease. I have finally, in my 40's, learned how to balance it better and to not feel I HAVE to join everything. I didn't do the Sexy Knitters KAL for that reason. I am glad you are doing better - always take care of yourself. It sounds like you have found a way to manage everything. I have a great email that amylovie sent me today about this very subject. We will send it to you.
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