Your mission should you choose to accept it
Tomorrow marks this blog's one year anniversary. I can't believe I've been blogging for a year. When I started this blog, we had just moved into our new home, my youngest had just turned 6 months, and I was getting sleep and into the swing of things. I was beginning to feel a bit more like myself. As I came out of the haze of my youngest's early infancy, and had waded through the last of the real estate stuff, it began to sink in that I was now a SAHM. I had left my teaching position at the end of the previous school year, but between 3rd trimester pregnancy, selling and buying a house, and no sleep due to round the clock feedings, I hadn't really given much thought to it. Now I began to think about it.
Some things that I realized that I needed were a sense of community, and something that would get my thoughts down on paper. Anyone who knows me, knows that I always like having things to do. I'm not a good idle person, although lately I'm beginning to see the charm of a lazy afternoon. Knitting really helped with this as it gave me a relaxing task to do when I had a moment. Knitting at home gave me the something to do, but didn't give me the community aspect. I had been reading blogs for some time and enjoying them. The thought occured to me that I could blog too, and thus maybe be a small part of a larger community that I enjoyed. I could participate in the conversation as it were. So I signed up for a blogger account and started writing.
A year later I've made some friends, and expanded my blog reading. I enjoy updating my blog and adding to the sidebar. I join (too many) KAL's and swaps. I really feel like I craft and create along with all of you. Now my off line life has gotten significantly busier due to my children's school commitments. I can only imagine that life will continue to be busy. In a few years I plan to return to the classroom as well. I feel at home in front of a classroom of teenagers. Strange but true, I know. But I think I will always carry this experience of blogging, both writing and reading, as a charmed part of my life, even if I decide one day to stop blogging and write in a journal instead or join a local knitting group.
Well enough about my musings on my last blogging year, onto the contest!! In celebration of this blog's first year anniversary, I thought we'd brainstorm a little about good music to listen to while knitting. Now I have very eclectic musical tastes. I can and will listen to all genres from folk to reggae, country to heavy metal, rap to alternative. What I listen to often changes with my mood, or what I'm doing. I can listen to Metallica when I go out running, but Bach is better when I'm trying to relax with a glass of wine. So what 3 songs do you think would be perfect to knit to?
Send your three song nominations for "the best songs to knit to" to craftylilly AT hotmail DOT com by next Friday, February 24th 7PM PST. I will pick a winner randomly. The winner will receive 2 skeins (400 yds total) of Treasure Island Cotton Handpaint by White Lies Designs (87% cotton, 10% nylon, 3% rayon) in a lovely tropical color mix. I will also compile all the responses and make a posting of all the songs suggested. Dig into those music collections!

happy blogiversary! i have to start thinking of songs. (my favorite running music? van halen!)
Congratulations on your blog anniversary! It is great to learn more about you and why you blog.
happy blogiversary! knitting music? let me think and i will email you to enter the contest :)
Three songs to knit by....hmmm "Love Shack" by the B'52's, and "Layla", the long version, by Eric Clapton... because those are just the best to do ANYTHING by... and, a third, how 'bout one of my all-time favorite praise songs, "Shout to the Lord,"
PS - most importantly, thanks for blogging and congrats on your 1-year bloggiversary!!
Happy Blogiversary!!
As soon as you asked about songs my mind went completely blank. I got nuthin'
I don't need more yarn, anyway ;o) Yes, I said it. Breathe... *grin*
I'll be giving some of mine away on Monday in celebration of my blogiversary (which, as you know, we share ;o) )
Happy blogiversary!
Ok, here goes...
"Bizzare Love Triangle" cover by Frente!
"Combat Baby" by Metric
And my all-time-favorite song for anything: "H." by Tool
Oh, I love that yarn! I don't usually knit to music. If I am in the car knitting, we are listening to some car repair talk show (gag) and that is why I knit. If I am at home, I usually knit while watching TV in the evening. I do take CD's for the knitting group to listen to. The group's favorite is a CD called Peaceful Praise by Gary Prim. He plays old time, familiar hymns in a calming, melodic way on the the piano or keyboard. In trying to think of other music for knit-listening, I put "knitting songs" in Google and up popped Doozer's Knitting Song. I would give you a link to it, but I don't know how. I'll bet Google would tell you where it was.
Happy Blogiversary to you!! Here's to many more! I'm so glad that I got the chance to "meet" you through blogging- I love your blog and your fantastic knits. I enjoyed reading your reasons for blogging, too, many of which compelled me to join the knit blog world as well. Have a wonderful time at Stitches and I'm looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back!! Take care! :-)
Happy blogiversary! My blog is happier that yours is here! And as for the songs ... I'll compile a good list and send it your way. :)
The happiest of blogiversaries to you m'lady - you are a delightfully charming presence online - wish we could sit and knit a bit in our living rooms together, but hey! That's what we're doin' isn't it :) yeah - I love it!
Happy Blogiversary! That word "pings" in my head as misspelled every time I see it.
Hmmm. Songs. I tend more towards stirring marches or lovely classical music (yeah, I love it, but I couldn't tell you if it was Ravel or the Righteous Bros). Something without words. For awhile there I was listening to Benedictine Monks chant or the King's Church Choirboys sing the old, old Latin masses. At least that's what the cover says they're singing. I wish I'd learned Latin.
Three songs? I can suggest three albums and perhap pick a song from each...I tend to like happy music when I knit. Something that has good imagery but is not distracting. Lessee...Albums: Shimmering Warm and Bright, Bel Canto; Space Flower, the Wild Swans and Deep by Peter Murphy. Songs: Shimmering Warm and Bright, Butterfly Girl and Cuts You Up.
I'm looking forward to seeing whta otherssuggest. ***CV
HAPPY BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!! [Throws confetti all around.]
Happy Blog-go-versary~
my 3 favorites to listen to for knitting???
Sweater Song- Weazer (how could you not like a song about a sweater???)
I am way into Death Cab for Cutie, so anything by them
and the Garden State sound track.
Not really songs, but more of my sound track as of late...
I like to knit to Losing Your Religion by R.E.M. when I am losing it, i.e. my project is driving me crazy!
Happy Blogniversary, Jennifer! I'm really glad to have 'met' you through your blog. As for songs, I really enjoy knitting with Norah Jones' Come Away with Me album and Kathleen Battle sings Mozart never goes wrong. I don't know why, when I sew, I listen to Teresa Deng (do you know her?).
I don't have any standout favorites, but I like to knit to The Knitters! Name aside, they are really good!
Happy Blogiversary! I have pretty ecletic music tastes. Right now I am listening to Trout Fishing in America CD "Infinity." Although I would have to say I am a Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, Norah Jones fan as well right now.
I look forward to reading your posts and wish you all the luck in the world!
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