KAL Report

I have managed to complete a project this weekend. Meet Ruffles, my new favorite scarf. I started her way back in October when I needed a travel project for my plane trip to San Diego. I didn't get very far on that trip, but another trip to San Diego and several nights of CSI, and a few movies later, we have scarfage. I have to say that after a while this pattern got well, repetitive. Since I kept getting bored, it spent large amounts of time alone in its little knitting bag. Now that it's done I'm in love with it. It looks awesome, and the Calmer is so comfy. It's a perfect scarf for California weather.
Project stats:
Pattern: Ruffles from the Scarfstyle book, designed by Amanda Blair Brown
Yarn: Rowan Calmer in Joy
Needles: Clover bamboo size 6, 16 inch circ
What I learned: When a pattern starts getting a bit boring, yet the results look so good, soldier on. The FO will be so worth it.
I have also completed my first Hermione glove for my mitten swap pal. I love this pattern; I love this yarn. I'm using Cascade 220. I love this color, but am a goof and now can't find the ball band. I think it's the same color that Laura is using for her backyard leaves scarf. I think Laura will agree with me, that this color would make a fantastic sweater. (Must find ball band.) This pattern is very fun and relatively quick to knit. I finished this glove in a week which, believe me, is quick. The really good news, is that the glove came out quite big for my hands. I've got rather small hands. You know those stretch gloves you can get at Target? Yeah, my hands barely stretch them out. I think these will fit my pal perfectly with minimal blocking. Yay!
I wish you all a fruitful and prosperous year full of fun and fiberly goodness!