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Meet Hazel, one of the feline scamps that live in the Craftylilly house. She may look sweet and innocent sunning herself on the steps, but don't let that fool you. She's willing to squish herself into any small space that I have next to me in bed at night. I can't tell you how many mornings the Mr. or I have woken up with back pain due to the cat curling up between our legs or in the small of our back. We've even woken up both of use perched at the edge of our bed to find her sprawled out in the middle. She has great taste in yarn too. She'll snub all acrylics but will make a bed out of anything wool, especially if it's got a little mohair in it. Blackberry? Oh yeah, I've found her sleeping on it.
Speaking of people living in the Craftylilly house, I've decided that Mr. Craftylilly needs a new alias. Now, when I asked the Mr. what he wanted to be called, his answer was "Raider Man." Please refer to the Christmas ornament pic I posted a week ago. Since the best I could come up with was Fantasy Football Fanatic or FFF for short, I'll go with what he wants. Raider Man 'tis. RM for short.
Now, RM and I saw a great movie last night off of Netflix. If you haven't already seen Cinderella Man, you must. The acting is superb (Russell Crowe, Renee Zellweger), and the story is engaging. I'm not all that into boxing as a sport, but the movie is done so well, even I got into the boxing match scenes.
I want to thank all of you who left such kind and supportive comments about Blackberry. The fact is, I'll probably wear her a lot this winter. I tend to wear the knits that I'm not in love with more, probably because I'm not as afraid to mess them up. I still have my reservations, but I think that with the right shirt underneath, it'll look better. I'm still trucking away at my sock. I hope to have the first sock done and the second sock started by midweek. I'll post a pic when the first sock is done.
If you've made it through the meandering post, I salute you! Have a good Sunday everyone!